About us

The research organisation Research Centre Řež (abbreviated CVŘ) was established in 2002 as 100% daughter company of ÚJV Řež, a. s. (formerly – Nuclear Research Institute) and continues the now more than sixtyfive-year tradition of nuclear technological research in Řež.


Who we are and what we do

CVŘ is a research organization according to Act 130/2002 Coll. The subject of the activity was "Research and development activities in the field of natural and medical sciences at LVR-15 and LR-0 reactors" and "Support for student scientific activities". Until then, the CVR gradually expanded the narrow scope of activities and in 2009 its scope was extended to "Research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences, nuclear energy and sustainable energy" and other related scientific areas, as well as to "Dissemination of research results and development through teaching or technology transfer".

Since 2009, CVŘ has been a major researcher in the development and supply of hot cells for the newly built Jules Horowitz research reactor in France. Based on this project, a highly qualified team was created and an opportunity for future participation in the use of the capacity of this unique facility with a planned use for 50 years. Thanks to the supply of these components, the Czech Republic will have access to the experimental capacity of JHR up to 2% after the start of the operational phase of JHR.

In 2011, research reactors were transferred from ÚJV to CVŘ. The CVŘ thus acquired a significant research infrastructure enabling participation in national and international research and development projects, as well as a basis for cooperation with universities and research organizations, which led to the strengthening of research teams.

The most important step for the development of the company can be considered the implementation of the Sustainable Energy Project (SUSEN), the main goal of which was to build a unique nuclear technology center. The project was launched in 2012 and was funded with the support of the European Union and the Government of the Czech Republic from the operational programs "Research and Development for Innovation" and "Research, Development and Training" managed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports .

The impact of this project is not only in the simple construction of infrastructures - buildings and technologies, although the existence of these technologies moves CVŘ to a whole new space of opportunities, but the process of SUSEN project has created teams of researchers, experts, technicians and support staff. the largest asset of CVŘ. The requirement for project sustainability co-creates a culture of society that tunes to the perceived need for research and innovation excellence using interdisciplinary synergies.

The Řež Research Center also plays a significant role in raising awareness in the field of nuclear energy, and since July 2021 it has operated the Popularizujemevedu.cz (we popularize science) portal focused on exchanging and sharing information from the energy sector